Supreme healing

Diana Ross heads to rehab; Schiffer sues over topless photos; Mel Gibson: Surrounded by hormones; Aguilera booted from hotel for wild partying.

Published May 31, 2002 4:31PM (EDT)

Forget all that stuff about the sweetest hangover. Diana Ross has checked herself into rehab.

The former Supremes singer, who a few weeks ago declared in an interview with Barbara Walters, "I'm a temperamental star that demands everything," is apparently now demanding a little recovery time at the Promises center in Malibu.

Ross' spokesman, Paul Bloch, told the Associated Press that his client entered the high-priced clinic 10 days ago "to clear up some personal issues," though he did not say precisely what those issues might be.

"She wants to be in great shape because she is someone who feels a sense of responsibility to her family and her fans," Bloch said.

But, according to Ross' children, that sense of responsibility might be part of the problem.

Her 14-year-old son by Arne Ness, Ross, told Walters that he sometimes worried about his mother because "she cares more about every single person in the world more than herself."

And the singer/actress herself admitted that, after her 14-year marriage to Ness broke apart and the much-ballyhooed Supremes reunion tour evaporated into thin air two years ago, she found herself feeling "kind of sad" much of the time.

We look forward to hearing her triumphal rendition of "I'm Coming Out" very soon.

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Why comedians shouldn't have children

"Holiday Rock! It seems like a smiley name to me. How can you get mad at Holiday?"

-- Chris Rock on why he wants to name the baby daughter he and his wife expect in July "Holiday," even though it sounds like a Flintstones movie, in GQ.

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She should never have dropped the blanket

The British Ghost Club has written Claudia Schiffer and her new husband, English film producer Matthew Vaughn, a letter warning them that their new house is believed to be haunted by a poltergeist named Penelope, but that's not what's spooking the newly married couple at the moment.

The German supermodel and her superhubby are apparently far more concerned about the specter of topless photos of Schiffer that were snapped as she sunned herself on their honeymoon in the Caribbean.

According to Britain's Media Guardian, Schiffer's peeps have warned publications all over the world that they will sue the pants off any magazine that publishes the topless pics.

"The vast majority of magazines have agreed to not use these pictures," Schiffer's spokesman told the press. "Anyone who does decide to use the pictures will have Ms. Schiffer's lawyers chasing them."


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The Gibsons

"It is very difficult living under one roof with five teenage boys whose hormones are all kicking in."

-- Mel Gibson on the exigencies of fatherhood, to the German magazine Bella.

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Mouseketeer mayhem!

Is Christina Aguilera making like a real rock star and leaving trashed hotel rooms in her wake?

It may well be.

According to the U.K. Sun, the barely legal singer has been kicked out of Hollywood's Standard Hotel because the bimonthly late-night parties she took to throwing -- for guests including Drew Barrymore and the Osbourne kiddies -- were just too wild.

"Her parties were too out of control, and the clean-up cost was enormous," a hotel source told the tabloid. "Guests in adjoining suites were always ringing the front desk, complaining about the noise ... it just wasn't worth having her stay there anymore."

Sounds like the genie needs a new bottle. Or maybe that's just what she doesn't need ...

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Miss something? Read yesterday's Nothing Personal.

By Amy Reiter

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