The Fix

Monica Lewinsky wants protection, Brad Pitt wants boxers, and Mariah Carey wants some privacy! Plus: Who says 82 is too old for a honeymoon?

Published May 12, 2003 7:17PM (EDT)

We are happy to report that thrice-married big-mouthed broad (and we mean that in a complimentary way) Carol Channing, age 82, married her high school sweetheart this weekend. The groom, 83-year-old Harry Kullijian, was a tad surprised when he first heard Channing was trying to get in touch with him. "I thought she was dead," he said, lovingly. (BBC)

In not-so-romantic news, it seems some of Mariah Carey's ex-boyfriends aren't being too nice. Eminem saved her gushy voice-mail messages and is using them in a song, and Luis Miguel is giving a "tell all" interview about Carey's 2001 breakdown to get publicity for his new album. What ever happened to kissing and not telling? (N.Y. Post)

The latest models aren't named Naomi or Christy, they're Adrien Brody and Julianne Moore. It seems designers would rather have movie stars model their clothes and the stars don't mind either. The latest wrinkle has Winona Ryder spoofing her shoplifting episode in ads for designer Marc Jacobs. Should do wonders for his sales -- if people realize you have to pay for the stuff. (USA Today)

We don't usually care about such things, but it's Monday and the brain is in need of shallow information, so we will pass on a report that Brad Pitt prefers boxers. And if you're shopping for the star, his "people" also let it be known that he fancies cow prints or stripes, and flannel rather than silk -- in size 34 instead of his usual 32/33, since he's "working out." Got all that? (MSNBC)

Monica Lewinsky just keeps on keeping on. Her latest foray into our psyches came on Sunday with an Op-Ed piece in the Los Angeles Times in which she said there should be mother-child privilege when it comes to testifying in a legal case. After all, she wrote, there is attorney-client, doctor-patient and priest-penitent but no mother-daughter protection. You have a good point, darling, but it wasn't chatting with Mom that got you into trouble. (CNN)

Images of Prince William will go on stamps in honor of his 21st birthday in June and girls all over Britain, we assume, are looking forward to licking him. (Ananova)

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By Karen Croft

Karen Croft is the editor of Salon Sex.

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