Their baloney has a first name

Published March 2, 2004 7:50PM (EST)

You may have seen the Weiner Mobile, a weenie-shaped vehicle that roams the country spreading the good word about all things Oscar Mayer. Tomorrow, apparently, the Republican National Committee will unveil its own version. Get ready for "Reggie the Registration Rig," an 18-wheeler set to criss-cross the nation in the next eight months to register voters at campuses, NASCAR races, parades, "ethnic festivals" and other events, according to the New York Post.

Ed Gillespie says the GOP voter drive has already registered about 500,000 new voters at various events, including the Daytona 500, and they're especially targeting black, Hispanic and young voters.

By Geraldine Sealey

Geraldine Sealey is senior news editor at

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