Clarence Thomas’ wife amplifies "unsubstantiated claims of corruption by Joe Biden": report

Ginni Thomas is not only far-right — she is also big on conspiracy theories

Published October 29, 2020 10:26PM (EDT)

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

When President George H.W. Bush, with the help of the U.S. Senate, replaced Justice Thurgood Marshall with Justice Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court in 1991, a common talking point among Republicans was that Bush showed his social conscience by picking another African-American. But Bush 41 replaced a liberal justice with one of the most far-right social conservatives the High Court has had in the last 30 years — and Justice Thomas' wife, Republican activist Ginni Thomas, is equally far to the right. Recently, Ginny Thomas has been going out of her way to smear former Vice President Joe Biden, but according to the Associated Press, she hasn't bothered to vet her information.

The AP's Mark Sherman explains, "The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is using her Facebook page to amplify unsubstantiated claims of corruption by Joe Biden. Ginni Thomas, a long-time conservative activist, asked her more than 10,000 followers Monday to consider sharing a link focused on alleged corruption by the Democratic nominee for president and his son, Hunter, as well as claims that social media companies are censoring reports about the Bidens."

Ginni Thomas is not only far-right — she is also big on conspiracy theories. Sherman notes that on October 10, she posted, "More citizens should KNOW about the biggest scandal and the evidence now piling up! #ObamaGate." And four days later on October 14, she went after Democratic billionaire George Soros — a favorite target of talk radio host Alex Jones and other conspiracy theorists — and posted, "Who is really running the Democrat Party? The Soros family."

Last week, Sherman notes, she posted a video featuring Rudy Giuliani — President Donald Trump's personal attorney and the former mayor of New York City — with the headline, "The Biden Crime Family: How They Made Millions."

Sherman observes, "Other spouses of justices also have their own professional identities, but (Ginni) Thomas is the only one whose work involves partisan politics that sometimes butts up against her husband's job. Clarence Thomas is the longest-serving current justice, having joined the Court in 1991, and he administered the oath at the swearing in of new Justice Amy Coney Barrett on Monday evening."


By Alex Henderson

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