Nader packs 'em in at the Garden

By Suzy Hansen

Published October 18, 2000 7:21PM (EDT)

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. Last night at Madison Square Garden is something I will remember forever, and I was convinced that nobody would write about it. This article, though, sums it up brilliantly. It only missed one thing: Susan Sarandon, in her speech, announced that "tonight is the last night to register to vote." The crowd gasped, partly because they were supposed to gasp, but some people really had forgotten. "It's OK, baby, we've got it covered," she continued, "We have people circulating, and you can fill out the form tonight. At the end of the night Eddie Vedder and the marching band will lead the parade over to the post office!"

Sure enough, as Nader finished up and the entire Garden (God, what a sight!) stood screaming in happiness, the marching band started out, with hundreds dancing along behind it. The band looked like refugee hippies or some madhouse traveling circus, with wigs and ugly pants, and they were playing "Land of 1,000 Dances" -- but a wild, funky, Dixieland version. Lazy, looping horns and clanking bells, we all loped down 34th Street and got everyone registered, literally at the eleventh hour.

Last night was about passion. Suzy Hansen has captured that.

-- Ben Perry

Thank you for covering this event with such enthusiasm and detail. Your article reflected the feelings of so many out here in America who are looking to Nader not only as a candidate, but as the moral conscience of this corrupt political system we have today. I hope others will take your cue and give the man the press he deserves.

-- Erica Hallahan

We know what Ralph Nader opposes. What would he do if elected and how could he convince a GOP and Democratic Congress to go along with him?

A vote for Nader is a wasted vote -- no matter what they tell you -- and if Bush gets in by a slim number, we will have the Supreme Court to set us back some 50 years. If the Greens really think there is no difference then they simply don't pay much attention except to their own words.

-- Fred Lapides

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