Salon recommends

Elliot Hester's hair-raising tales from 30,000 feet and more of our favorite new books.

Published February 19, 2002 10:45PM (EST)

What we're reading, what we're liking

Plane Insanity by Elliot Hester
Elliot Hester's column was one of the gems of Salon's late, lamented travel site, Wanderlust. Hester makes his living as an "in-flight bartender/referee/therapist" -- that is, as a flight attendant -- and this book collects many of the stories he has written about his adventures in the air. "Human behavior is rarely more incomprehensible than when witnessed in an airplane at 30,000 feet," Hester observes, and in his day he's witnessed reeking Frenchmen, vomiting kids, a fistfight in coach class, various animals running wild in the cabin, hysterical co-workers and couples who don't even bother to move to the lavatory when they decide to join the Mile High Club. A natural raconteur, Hester manages to be witty about even such unpromising topics as carry-on baggage restrictions, while his yarns about the jaw-droppingly bad behavior of travelers have given me a whole new respect for the patience of flight attendants everywhere.

-- Laura Miller

Recent books praised by Salon's critics

Lincoln's Virtues by William Lee Miller
A new biography removes Abraham Lincoln's halo, revealing a man whose sheer human goodness remains mysterious.
Reviewed by Laura Miller

Rebels on the Air by Jesse Walker
Before it became a cash machine for station owners, radio was briefly the province of madmen who made it the liveliest medium in America.
Reviewed by Douglas Cruickshank

Can Love Last? by Stephen Mitchell
A philosophically inclined psychoanalyst's daring final work explains that the ecstasy of romantic love doesn't fade away over time -- we kill it.
Reviewed by JoAnn Gutin

Basket Case by Carl Hiaasen
In the Florida crime writer's latest hilarious outing, a burnt-out reporter on the obit beat gets mixed up with a Courtney Love-style rock widow.
Reviewed by Charles Taylor

My Country Versus Me by Wen Ho Lee and Helen Zia
Lee speaks out about his ordeal at the hands of the FBI and a witch-hunting press. To many Arab men today, his story will sound all too familiar.
Reviewed by Eric Boehlert

Roscoe by William Kennedy
The author of "Ironweed" returns with the grandly entertaining tale of a Falstaffian political boss amid the crooks and strivers and demented rich of Albany.
Reviewed by Andrew O'Hehir

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
In an alternate 1985, intrepid literary detective Thursday Next battles an archvillain who's kidnapping characters from classic literature.
Reviewed by Laura Miller

Tepper Isn't Going Out by Calvin Trillin
A mild-mannered New Yorker becomes a connoisseur of parking spots and winds up the center of a media circus and the target of a Giuliani-esque mayor.
Reviewed by Suzy Hansen

The Passion of Artemisia by Susan Vreeland
In this novel about a real-life female Renaissance painter, a thin veneer of feminism covers a juicy heart of blushing, throbbing melodrama.
Reviewed by Stephanie Zacharek

Servants of the Map by Andrea Barrett
Victorian and modern scientists grapple with the philosophical challenge of evolution and the clash between curiosity and love in this collection of linked stories.
Reviewed by Laura Miller

Nigger: The Strange Case of a Troublesome Word by Randall Kennedy
From Mark Twain to Chris Rock, it provokes book banning and nervous giggles. A black scholar asks if it's ever OK to say "nigger."
Reviewed by Charles Taylor

The Dark Side by Mark Schreiber
A study of crime -- from kidnapping and cannibalism to mass murder -- in the land of the Rising Sun challenges the stereotype of a safe, orderly society.
Reviewed by Jennifer Hanawald

Them: Adventures With Extremists by Jon Ronson
A writer takes a full-tilt trip into the world of Muslim fanatics, skinheads, survivalists and paranoid critics of the shadowy Bilderberg Group.
Reviewed by Damien Cave

Uncle Tungsten by Oliver Sacks
Oliver Sacks recalls his childhood romance with chemistry in a book so delightful that even the scientifically illiterate will fall for it, too.
Reviewed by Stephanie Zacharek

Shrinking the Cat by Sue Hubbell
Even before humanity knew about genes, we were fiddling around with genetic engineering. So why get bent out of shape about it now?
Reviewed by Charles Taylor

The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa
In an epic of malignant machismo, the Peruvian novelist presents the Dominican dictator Trujillo as the chief cocksman of state.
Reviewed by Laura Miller

Eva Moves the Furniture by Margot Livesey
Two spirits guide a motherless girl through her life. Are they a blessing or a curse?
Reviewed by Laura Miller

The Pickup by Nadine Gordimer
A white South African woman finds unexpected fulfillment living in her Muslim husband's homeland.
Reviewed by Anthony York

Half a Life by V.S. Naipaul
The Nobel prizewinner delivers a sharply observed story of the hypocrisies of sex, class and race in England and beyond.
Reviewed by Chris Colin

Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks
An English village struck by the plague heroically quarantines itself and braces for the worst.
Reviewed by Suzy Hansen

He Sleeps by Reginald McKnight
A black American researcher in Africa is tormented by mysterious, erotic dreams about another man's wife.
Reviewed by Suzy Hansen

Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage by Alice Munro
Restless girls and adulterous wives contemplate the bargains they've made with life in these masterly stories by a modern-day Chekhov.
Reviewed by Laura Miller

Gabriel's Gift by Hanif Kureishi
Growing up is hard to do when you're the ambisexual son of a pair of washed-up bohemian rock 'n' rollers in contemporary London.
Reviewed by Stephanie Zacharek

Austerlitz by W.G. Sebald
A man steps into a deserted room in a railway station and suddenly confronts the riddle of his own past.
Reviewed by Laura Miller

A Woman Soldier's Own Story by Xie Bingying
An autobiography of a rebellious Chinese girl who kicked off her footbindings and an arranged marriage to join the army is available in English for the first time.
Reviewed by Janelle Brown

Blue Cats and Chartreuse Kittens by Patricia Lynne Duffy
For people with synesthesia, letters, words and numbers have their own colors, and you can smell the shape of milk
Reviewed by Alison Motluk

Holy War, Inc. by Peter Bergen
The most entertaining of current books on Osama bin Laden paints him as a devout, charismatic CEO of worldwide terror.
Reviewed by Laura Miller [11/21/01]

Trials of the Monkey by Matthew Chapman
Charles Darwin's boozy, girl-crazy great-great-grandson goes to Tennessee to sneer at the Bible-quoting locals -- and stays to learn a lesson in faith.
Reviewed by Damien Cave

Look at Me by Jennifer Egan
In this novel about the modern tyranny of image over substance, a fashion model's face is destroyed, then remade.
Reviewed by Amy Reiter

Stranger Things Happen by Kelly Link
In these dazzling, uncanny stories, myth becomes part of everyday life and Nancy Drew visits the underworld in search of her long-lost mother.
Reviewed by Laura Miller

Political Fictions by Joan Didion
This cool, devastating look at America's empty political spectacles takes apart everything from Reagan's delusions to Clinton's impeachment.
Reviewed by Charles Taylor

Our Monica, Ourselves by Lauren Berlant and Lisa Duggan, editors
Eggheads probe some seldom-explored aspects of Clinton's impeachment -- class-hatred, anti-Semitism, fake prudery -- with insightful results.
Reviewed by Charles Taylor

"The Other Wind" and "Tales From Earthsea" by Ursula LeGuin
At 72, Ursula Le Guin returns to Earthsea to mend the wounds that have long divided her fantasy world
Reviewed by Donna Minkowitz

Dancing With Demons by Penny Valentine and Vicki Wickham
She drank, took drugs and walloped her (female) lover with a skillet, but Dusty Springfield was the pure, true voice of British R&B.
Reviewed by Stephanie Zacharek

The Hidden War: A Russian Journalist's Account of the Soviet War in Afghanistan by Artyom Borovik
Like Vietnam chronicler Michael Herr, Russian journalist Artyom Borovik captured the hallucinatory hell of war -- but these days it's Borovik's account of Afghanistan that seems the most relevant.
Reviewed by Douglas Cruickshank

Savage Beauty by Nancy Milford
She bedded countless men (and women) and became the most celebrated woman of her day. She wasn't a rock star -- she was poet Edna St. Vincent Millay.
Reviewed by Laura Miller

The Forgetting by David Shenk
A brilliant and quirky new book on Alzheimer's offers food for thought on the unthinkable and a new, deeper understanding of the coming epidemic.
Reviewed by Pam Rosenthal

Beauty and the Beasts by Carole Jahme
Women primatologists braved death threats, rapist orangutans and the twisted mentoring of Louis Leakey to bring us the truth about apes.
Reviewed by Charles Taylor

Rock 'Til You Drop by John Strausbaugh
A baby boomer rock critic condemns his generation's insistence on lionizing the burned-out bands of their long-lost youth.
Reviewed by Paul McLeary

The Seven Daughters of Eve by Bryan Sykes
From Wales to the South Pacific, we're all descended from seven prehistoric women, according to revolutionary new genetic discoveries.
Reviewed by Andrew O'Hehir

Human Trials: Scientists, Investors and Patients in the Quest for a Cure by Susan Quinn
When people put their bodies on the line in medical trials, can they be sure that scientists aren't cutting corners or preoccupied with stock prices?
Reviewed by Ivan Oransky

The Sappho Companion by Margaret Reynolds
Genius? Pervert? Seducer and murderer? Homely bluestocking? Nymphomaniac? Every age has its own version of the woman whose 2,600-year-old verses invented the poetry of love.
Reviewed by Laura Miller

Searching for John Ford by Joseph McBride
New biographies tell of the director who loved Katharine Hepburn, drove John Wayne to tears and made Stalin applaud.
Reviewed by Allen Barra

How to Be Good by Nick Hornby
An Angry Guy morphs into a do-gooder in the latest from the author of "High Fidelity" and "About a Boy."
Reviewed by Laura Miller

A Cold Case by Philip Gourevitch
From the author of "We Wish to Inform You" comes the true story of a detective who, almost 30 years later, hunted down a murderer the police never caught.
Reviewed by Charles Taylor

Summer Reading
Our critics spotlight the season's cheap (and not so cheap) thrills and single out a few bestselling stinkers (paging Jackie Collins!).
By Salon's critics

The Fourth Hand by John Irving
In the novelist's latest, a studly newscaster loses a limb but gains a deeper understanding of sex.
Reviewed by Emily Jenkins

"Supreme Injustice" and "The Vote"
Two new books make it clear that the Supreme Court's notorious Bush vs. Gore ruling wasn't as bad as it seemed at the time. It was worse.
Reviewed by Gary Kamiya

The Noonday Demon by Andrew Solomon
A cultural cottage industry has sprung up around depression, the most isolating of illnesses.
Reviewed by Maria Russo

I Only Say This Because I Love You by Deborah Tannen
The author of "You Just Don't Understand" turns her eagle eye on the stinging, maddening, sneaky ways that family members communicate.
Reviewed by Maria Russo

American Gods by Neil Gaiman
A hard-boiled fantasia by the author of "The Sandman" sends a cast of burned-out mythological deities on a cross-country attempt at a comeback tour.
Reviewed by Laura Miller

Thinks by David Lodge
The author of "Changing Places" offers another delightful novel of manners about academia, adultery and human consciousness.
Reviewed by Maria Russo

Bel Canto by Ann Patchett
Fifty-seven men -- and one extraordinary woman -- are held hostage by guerrillas in the latest novel by the author of "The Magician's Assistant."
Reviewed by Laura Miller

Doghouse Roses by Steve Earle
An acclaimed country music songwriter makes his fiction debut in a collection of stories straight from the bar at the Tip Top Lounge. Reviewed by King Kaufman

In the City of Shy Hunters by Tom Spanbauer
The early days of the AIDS epidemic, seen through the eyes of a beautiful, enigmatic hero who's not gay, not straight, not bisexual.
Reviewed by Peter Kurth

All the Finest Girls by Alexandra Styron
The daughter of two egotistical white artists faces some ugly truths when she seeks out the kin of the Caribbean housekeeper who raised her.
Reviewed by Suzy Hansen

The Collected Stories of Richard Yates The bard of disintegrating marriages and deluded artists is enjoying a posthumous boom with a masterly story collection.
Reviewed by Maria Russo

The Cold Six Thousand by James Ellroy
With his latest tale of epic conspiracy and evil, Ellroy takes crime fiction as far as it can go -- and maybe even farther.
Reviewed by Allen Barra

By Salon Staff

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