Photo from G7 Summit resembles widely-mocked pro-Donald Trump portraits

Artist Jon McNaughton paints Trump as if he's equal to Jesus, the Founding Fathers and this photo draws comparison

Published June 9, 2018 7:40PM (EDT)

 (Jesco Denzel/German Federal Government via AP)
(Jesco Denzel/German Federal Government via AP)

Presidet Trump may have departed the G7 Summit prematurely, but he left with a souvenir he will always cherish. Germany President Angela Merkel shared an image on her Instagram on Saturday that appropriately summed up the conference with the U.S. and its allies.

Trump's presence at the summit in Charlevoix, Canada was obviously contentious. The president has already struggled to preserve America's good standing around the world and made matters worse after he announced tariffs on foreign goods. Trump's visit highlighted his awkward relationship with U.S. allies and his early exit for Singapore, where he will meet with Kim Jong Un, only emphasized his preference for despots as opposed to democratic leaders of industrialized nations.

The photo provided by Merkel perfectly captured the fraught rapport between Trump and the leaders of Japan, France, Germany and the U.K. It also had an uncanny resemblance to paintings by Jon McNaughton, a conservative artist who enjoys portraying Trump as the ultimate patriot. McNaughton has a series of sincere paintings that elevate Trump to the pantheon of great Americans, while his depictions of former President Barack Obama are not as charitable.

The photo from the G7 Summit is almost a complete inverse of McNaughton's portraits. Instead of historic Americans surrounding Trump in unadulterated support, the photo from Saturday shows the president encircled by foreign political opponents. His crossed arms and bemused stare will likely play well with Trump's base, just as McNaughton's paintings have delighted conservatives.

Despite its popularity, McNaughton's propaganda has puzzled art enthusiasts. His work seems more like satire than an earnest rendering of the 45th president. Bradley H. Kramer, an anthropologist who teaches at Utah Valley University in Orem and curates exhibits at Provo’s Writ & Vision bookstore/gallery, told the Salt Lake Tribune as much in a story about McNaughton in March.

“It it looks like a progressive painted it to make fun of respecting the flag at a football game,” Kramer said of the "Respect the Flag" painting. “It looks like it’s making fun of Sean Hannity fans for treating the American flag like Linus treats his security blanket.”

The lack of irony notwithstanding, Trump's critics on Twitter were quick to point out the McNaughton aesthetic in the photo from Saturday.

By Taylor Link

MORE FROM Taylor Link

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Angela Merkel Art Conservatism Donald Trump G-7 Summit Presidential Portrait