Bill O'Reilly, please shut up about Beyoncé and just get on board with birth control and sex education already

The Fox News host is convinced that Bey is the force driving unplanned teen pregnancy, which is hilarious and wrong

Published April 30, 2014 4:35PM (EDT)

Bill O'Reilly is still so mad at Beyoncé.

A few weeks ago, Bill O'Reilly was so mad at Beyoncé because she made a music video in which she simulated sex with her husband in the back of a limousine, and Bill O'Reilly knows that simulated sex in the backs of limousines with husbands is the leading cause of unplanned teen pregnancy in the United States right now. (No it is not.)

This week, the Fox News host was still so mad at Beyoncé. Still because of teen pregnancy, but also because of her butt. (He showed a lot of images of her butt to illustrate the point.) And "cultural deficits" in "black precincts."

"She knows -- this woman knows -- that young girls are getting pregnant in the African-American community. Now it’s about 70 percent out of wedlock. She knows and doesn’t seem to care," said Bill O'Reilly, who was so mad.

Penny Nance, from Concerned Women From America, was also so mad about Beyoncé. (And concerned, naturally.)

Here's the segment:

Since it seems like Bill O'Reilly is very interested in the issue of unplanned teen pregnancy among black teenagers, I have a pretty good idea about what he can do to help young people plan for the lives, educations, careers and families they want: He should erase everything in his garbage brain that he thinks about birth control, take back every ridiculous thing he's ever said about sex education and start over.

A quick refresher on what Bill O'Reilly thinks about birth control and sex education -- the two things that actually help teens avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Birth control.

Bill O'Reilly thinks birth control is a "choice" and that women and teens don't need affordable access to it as part of their basic healthcare.

Sex education. 

Bill O'Reilly thinks that teens need shame -- from Michelle Obama, for some reason -- rather than sex education.


By Katie McDonough

Katie McDonough is Salon's politics writer, focusing on gender, sexuality and reproductive justice. Follow her on Twitter @kmcdonovgh or email her at

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