"Kiss my ass": Kid Rock has a few words for Confederate battle flag protesters -- literally

The singer of "Born Free" apparently has little sympathy for the descendants of those who weren't

Published July 10, 2015 8:14PM (EDT)

Kid Rock       (AP/Dan Harr)
Kid Rock (AP/Dan Harr)

In a brief statement read on "The Kelly File" last night, Detroit rocker/Chevy jingle-smith Kid Rock expressed his thoughts about the recent controversy over the Confederate battle flag and those who want it removed from mainstream American culture.

"Please tell the people who are protesting to kiss my ass," his statement read in its entirety.

Kid Rock was responding to a call from his hometown chapter of the National Action Network's request that he stop using the battle flag in his performances.

"How in the hell can Kid Rock represent Detroit and wave that flag just generating millions and millions in ticket sales -- a flag that represents genocide to most of Detroit?" Sam Riddle, NAN's political director, asked.

This is not the first time Kid Rock has been asked about his love of the battle flag. In 2002, he was criticized for parading the flag around on stage. At the time, he told the Free Press that "it's not about hatred or being a racist. I like Southern rock music, and a lot of people died under that flag for beliefs they had, right or wrong."

"It stands for rebel," he insisted, "and my love of Southern rock."

As for the status of his current tour, its sponsor, Chevrolet, issued a statement earlier this week that "we are committed to our sponsorship of Kid Rock's summer tour and are confident that he will provide his fans, many of whom are proud Chevrolet owners, with a spectacular concert experience that celebrates American Freedom."

By Scott Eric Kaufman

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