WATCH: Mika Brzezinski says Ann Coulter "runs a business for herself fueled on hate speech and hurting people"

Brzezinski wouldn't say Coulter's name "because people like that have no place ... in the mainstream conversation"

Published September 1, 2016 3:57PM (EDT)

"Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski called Ann Coulter — refusing to even speak her name — "a person who basically runs a business for herself fueled on hate speech and hurting people."

Coulter genuflected to GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday evening after his full-throttled immigration policy speech in Phoenix:

Brzezinski repurposed Coulter's tweet to demonstrate the level of right-wing extremism Trump's immigration policies appeal to.

Coulter "is a huge supporter of Donald Trump. Loved the speech. It says it all," Brzezinski argued. "But a great leader in the media once mentioned to us, actually, not to ever mention this person's name because people like that have no place, no place in the mainstream conversation."

Watch above, starting at the 18:15 mark.

(h/t MediaMatters)

By Brendan Gauthier

Brendan Gauthier is a freelance writer.

MORE FROM Brendan Gauthier

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Ann Coulter Donald Trump Elections 2016 Mika Brzezinski Morning Joe