Donald Trump’s eldest son does not just have to worry about special counsel Robert Mueller anymore

Unmasking the blocked cell phone number that Trump Jr. called while working on plans to meet with Russian agents

Published November 27, 2018 8:00PM (EST)

Donald Trump Jr. (AP/Alec Tabak)
Donald Trump Jr. (AP/Alec Tabak)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story.

President Donald Trump’s eldest son doesn’t just have to worry about special counsel Robert Mueller anymore.

With Democrats in the House of Representatives set to get subpoena power in January, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) tells USA Today that one of the first avenues that his party could pursue is unmasking the blocked cell phone number that Donald Trump Jr. called while working on plans to meet with Russian agents during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The blocked number is significant because President Donald Trump himself also uses a blocked number to communicate with people. If it turns out that Trump Jr. called his father while he was arranging meetings with Russian officials, it could mean that he lied under oath when he told Congress that he never mentioned the meetings with his father.

“Republicans refused to look at the phone records so that we could find out because they were afraid of what the answer might be,” Schiff tells USA Today.

Now that Schiff will be in charge of the House Intelligence Committee, he tells USA Today that he’s not banking on many Republicans helping him investigate the president.

“We can’t obviously force them to work with us,” he explains. “They’ll have to make the decision for themselves whether they’re interested in finding out the truth or they’re interested in merely being extensions of Rudy Giuliani.”

By Brad Reed