November 21, 2015 Archive November 2015
Western ally Saudi Arabia sentenced a Palestinian poet to death for renouncing Islam
Now we're leering at suicide bombers: The grotesque objectification of Hasna Ait Boulahcen
I went to church with Ted Cruz. He is building an army of young Christian voters in Iowa
Jeb Bush adviser just comes out and says it: Donald Trump looks like a fascist
The Donald's crossed the line: Even Bill Maher is appalled by Trump's latest Islamophobic low
8 of the nuttiest things Jenny McCarthy has ever said (in public)
Trans resilience is more important to honor than ever — even in the year of Caitlyn Jenner
Stephen Colbert just nailed the GOP's Christian hypocrisy on Syrian refugees with one Bible verse
I left my church for my family
Karl Rove's dream come true: Why voters favor liberal ideas, but polls undercount conservatives
We blew it after 9/11. We're blowing it again after Paris
The 12 best reasons to be a democratic socialist
Hillary is in too deep: Why she'll never be able to extricate herself from Wall Street
Second Amendment time-traveling: If only the framers could have envisioned the NRA
Freedom fries and chicken hawks: The American history mosque-closers and chest-thumpers must learn
Privacy not included: Federal law lags far behind new tech
The last JFK assassination myth: Debunking the eerie prediction that won't go away
Under the cover of humanitarian aid: The U.S. military is all over Africa