Lady Gaga is a big Madonna fan -- and vice versa

The pop star appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and says Madonna "fully supports" her new single

Published February 15, 2011 1:16PM (EST)

Lady Gaga -- and her Grammys -- joined Jay Leno on "The Tonight Show" last night. The controversy over her new single "Born This Way" and its obvious similarities to Madonna's "Express Yourself" lead off the interview. Gaga first gushed over the pop legend:

You know, there is really no one that is a more adoring and loving Madonna fan than me. I am the hugest fan personally and professionally…

And revealed that Madonna totally supports her new single:

The good news is, I got an email from her people sending me their love and support on behalf of the single. And if the queen says it shall be, then it shall be.

The two further talked about the meaning of"Born This Way" which some have billed as a self-conscious anthem for the gay rights movement. Lady Gaga skirted around that point instead talking at length about harnessing "your inner superstars."


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By Adam Clark Estes

Adam Clark Estes blogs the news for Salon. Email him at and follow him on Twitter @adamclarkestes

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