Iowa lawmaker predicts Palin run for White House

Iowa Rep. Steve King predicts a Sarah Palin run for the White House in 2012.

Published December 29, 2009 8:28PM (EST)

An Iowa Republican congressman says he thinks former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will seek the GOP presidential nomination in 2012 and that she's among a few people who could win the state's leadoff caucuses.

U.S. Rep. Steve King said Tuesday he initially thought Palin ended her political career when she resigned as governor last summer. But he said during a taping of an Iowa Public Television show that she's now in a far stronger position to succeed.

King says her book-signing tour has brought her enormous attention, and he complimented her political instincts.

Palin has only been in Iowa once since the election, for a book-signing event in Sioux City.

King says there would be plenty of time for Palin to mount a campaign.

By Associated Press

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