Freak speech

The far right's favorite sideshow strikes again, right on cue.

Published March 3, 2007 5:16AM (EST)

Nobody should be surprised that Ann Coulter would refer to John Edwards, as she does below, as a "faggot"; it wasn't long ago that she called Al Gore "a total fag," and said that Bill Clinton had "the whiff of the bathhouse" about him. It's a pretty desperate schoolyard stunt from a celebrity sideshow rapidly running out of gas. (And a weirdly self-defeating one at that: Most of the only people we know who have ever gotten a kick out of Coulter are gay men who manage to enjoy her as bitch-queen theatrical performance art.) We reproduce it here for the record. She was speaking at a top conservative conference, where all the major 2008 party candidates showed up except for McCain (smart move).

By Kerry Lauerman

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