Have you been putting off reading Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's dissent in the Hobby Lobby case because you read Justice Samuel Alito writing for the majority and are currently so sad that your head has been on your desk all day? Or maybe you read the majority opinion and you put one of those eye mask things on and went back to bed to wonder to yourself, "Like what is even going on in this world right now?"
Well, if that's the case, this guy Jonathan Mann has turned parts of Ginsburg's blistering dissent into a song. (The chorus is obviously not from Ginsburg as "slut-shaming" and "geezers" and "stand together" appear nowhere in the text, but artistic license, man!) If you can rally enough to click play, you can resume whatever prostrate position you were in before and stay that way until your feelings have been fully felt.
Check it out here:
And if you want you can play it over and over again like this:
And here's the full dissent:
Ginsburg Dissent by Abby Ohlheiser
h/t The Wire