Bill Maher was Jerry Seinfeld’s latest companion on “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee." Introducing his old friend Maher as one of his "favorite people, because he just doesn’t care,” the pair cruised around in a 1979 VW bug police car buttering each other’s large egos (they joked about joining forces for a bit called “the comedy team of smug and arrogant") and shooting the shit about showbiz, Los Angeles living and political comedy.
Even though Seinfeld keeps his segments mostly apolitical, Maher couldn’t resist going on one of his little tirades. Calling his hour-long live show “the hardest job in television” he criticized political comics who are afraid to veer from liberal doctrine. “It’s a little different with political comedians because they stay within whatever the liberal doctrine is, they’re not going to upset their audience about that,” said Maher, pointing to Islam as a topic where liberal audiences have taken issue with his views. “They used to boo me, because I’m the one standing up for equal rights for women and free speech and respect for minorities, free and fair elections. It’s not my fault that these are qualities more lacking in the Muslim world than any other culture, but liberals saw this for years as an attack on a minority. But the irony is they were so tolerant they were tolerating intolerance.”
He also had some harsh words for Hillary, saying: “Hillary was inevitable in ’08, then somebody newer and younger came along and it happened to her just like it happened with her husband, somebody newer and younger came along. This poor woman, just keeps happening to her!"
Watch the full segment — which mostly stuck to lighter turf, like the ethics of cutting bathroom lines and a heated debate over whether briefs are still cool — over at the "Comedians in Cars" website.