In his latest column at WorldNetDaily, paleoconservative commentator Pat Buchanan argued that given the Supreme Court's ruling that legalized same-sex marriage and the Oklahoma Supreme Court's decision to remove the Ten Commandments monument from the state capitol grounds, a "rebellion" unlike any seen since the Civil Rights Movement "is likely to arise from the right."
Buchanan situated this "coming era of civil disobedience" in a long tradition that began with the Founding Fathers. "What else was our revolution but a rebellion to overthrow the centuries-old rule and law of king and parliament, and establish our own?" he asked.
"U.S. Supreme Court decisions have been defied and those who defied them lionized by modernity," he added without noting that the positions his civilly disobedient activists would support wouldn't be "lionized by modernity," given that they're based on the teachings of a man who -- if he ever even lived -- has been dead for 2,000 years.
Buchanan connected the coming struggle with the Civil Rights Movement -- in particular, with Martin Luther King, Jr., whose "Letter from Birmingham Jail" he quoted. "One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws," King wrote, to which Buchanan replied, "what is an 'unjust law'?"
Apparently, they are the ones that atheistic liberals have yet to write, but most certainly will in the coming years. "Laws will be passed to outlaw such practices [like refusing to perform a same-sex wedding] as discrimination," Buchanan wrote, "and those laws, which the Christians believe violate eternal law and natural law, will, as Dr. King instructed, be disobeyed."
For all his high talk about morality -- especially as it pertains to racial injustice -- Buchanan was a little tone-deaf as to a certain issue of current import: the causes of the Civil War. "That war was fought," he wrote, "over whether 11 Southern states had the same right to break free of Mr. Lincoln’s Union as the 13 colonies did to break free of George III’s England."
He concluded by saying that a similar separation is on the horizon. "If a family disagreed as broadly as we Americans do on issues so fundamental as right and wrong, good and evil, the family would fall apart," he explained, "the couple would divorce, and the children would go their separate ways."
"Something like that is happening in the country. A secession of the heart has already taken place in America, and a secession, not of states, but of people from one another, caused by divisions on social, moral, cultural and political views and values, is taking place."