Jon Stewart to Tom Cruise: What happened to the old, "vulnerable" Tom Cruise?

With "Rogue Nation," the latest "Mission Impossible" film, hitting theaters, Stewart yearns for a different Cruise

Published July 29, 2015 1:22PM (EDT)

Tom Cruise, Jon Stewart     (Comedy Central)
Tom Cruise, Jon Stewart (Comedy Central)

Prank master Tom Cruise is making the rounds in late-night this week plugging his latest "Mission Impossible" film, "Rouge Nation."  Tuesday night, he stopped by "The Daily Show" to have a chat with Jon Stewart, number-one fan of the movie franchise. While Stewart agreed that hanging off of planes and shooting aliens is super cool (especially for a 53-year-old with a full head of hair, to be doing) he also mourned the loss of the "old" Cruise. "Remember yearning Tom Cruise, vulnerable Tom Cruise, 'You complete me' Tom Cruise? Remember that guy? Where's that guy?" Stewart asked the actor.

Watch the clip courtesy of Comedy Central below:

By Colin Gorenstein

Colin Gorenstein is Salon's assistant editor of internet and viral content. Follow @colingorenstein or email

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