"My partner left me because I can't have children": Women who face infertility share their stories

Fear of abandonment, heartbreak, guilt, jealousy: The roller coaster of emotion that accompanies infertility

Published October 3, 2015 2:45PM (EDT)

  (<a href='http://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-1102673p1.html'>Taweepat</a> via <a href='http://www.shutterstock.com/'>Shutterstock</a>)
(Taweepat via Shutterstock)

Whisper is a social network where men and women can express their deepest feelings anonymously. Below, women facing infertility talk about their fear, guilt and sadness about not being able to conceive a child, and wonder why friends don't get how insensitive it is to ask, "Why not just adopt?"

As a woman dealing with infertility issues, I wish my family would stop making jokes about why we don't have a house full of children. I'd love to have that. Sorry it's not happening.

I wish I had friends who struggled with infertility. I'm so sick of people saying "it will happen". They just don't get it.

Starting the process with an infertility specialist has been the saddest and most exciting thing... I need this to work

I feel like I let my marriage fall apart because we couldn't conceive after three years! Infertility has ruined my life!

I'm being treated for infertility and I hate when people shame me for not "just adopting". I want to get pregnant and give birth. Why is that so hard to understand and respect?

As someone who is struggling with infertility, lately I judge everyone who I think is/ will be an unfit parent and constantly question why them instead of me. Not proud of it.

I'm afraid one day my husband won't be ok with my infertility anymore and then he'll leave me. I'll then watch him have a family with someone else. The only thing I've ever wanted

I'm infertile. Every time a girl I know announces she is pregnant, my jealousy almost consumes me.

My partner left me because I can't have children.  I've struggled to let anyone close since.

I recently found out I am infertile. I made peace with it. Being infertile doesn't make me less of a woman. There is more to life than making babies.

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