GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson appeared on SiriusXM's "Karen Hunter Show" Wednesday evening and told a decidedly different tale about what he would do when confronted by an armed gunman.
The retired neurosurgeon is apparently a fan of the "do as I say I would do, not as I actually did" school of punditry, as he related to Hunter what happened in a Baltimore Popeye's when a robber "stuck a gun in [his] ribs."
"I have had a gun held on me when I was in a Popeye’s organization," he said. "Guy comes in, put the gun in my ribs."
Carson calmly recounted how he calmly responded, "I just said, 'I believe you want the guy behind the counter.'" In other words, instead of charging the gunman, as Carson recommends other Americans do, the good doctor directed the man to the likely teenage, certainly minimum-wage-earning employee.
That's a far cry from the bravery he boasted he would show if ever confronted by a heavily armed gunman, but it makes a kind of sense -- the robber only had one gun, far below the minimum required for Carson to display his vaunted daring.
Listen to the Carson speaking with Hunter below via SiriusXM.