Ben Carson had a whopper of a past week on the campaign trail, when in the span of a few days he let out at least five wildly offensive statements following a deadly school shooting rampage, including even go so far as to seemingly blame the victims for failing to subdue the gunman, before he eventually revealed his own past encounter with a gunman at a "Popeye's organization" during which he redirected the assailant to the cashier.
It was quite a doozy of a week for Carson and now he is chalking up all the media attention and controversy his own statements have generated to the tired right-wing complaint of a librul media conspiracy.
“They’re actually playing right into the narrative that I have predicted for them,” Carson told The ultraconservative right-wing blog apparently now features its own Sunday news program titled, "Breitbart News Sunday," hosted by Matt Boyle.
“They can’t stand the thought of a black person who is a conservative, who hasn’t had to make it on their handout and be at their beck and call and doing the things that they want them to do," Carson said of the media. "It just infuriates them.”
Of course, Carson's statement won't be construed as pulling that oh-so-popular "race card" by his conservative supporters but just as a logical conclusion to their ongoing narrative of mainstream media victimization. Carson continued:
So none of that surprises me. In fact, because I fly in the face of the secular, progressive ideology, I expect them to continue to attack me constantly. The only thing that they don’t seem to be bright enough to realize that the more they attack me, the stronger I get. People expect them to do that.
Carson then invented support for his campaign with black voters, claiming he has witnessed Republican inroads into the community “all the time” on the campaign trail.
“And I just find it very, very gratifying to see that there are so many people in the black community who are waking up and starting to think for themselves and recognizing that 50 or 60 years of progressive ideology has not led them to an improved situation,” Carson argued without pointing to a specific finding.
Carson, a former renowned neurosurgeon, has previously called Obamacare "the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery."
Carson continued his act as the Republican's black "truth-teller," slamming the familiar conservative blights of absentee fathers and out of wedlock birth as a condition of progressive policies.
It has only “led to more poverty, more food stamps, more broken homes and out of wedlock births and incarceration and crime and murders. There’s nothing, essentially that’s any better,” Carson argued. “If you had a government that was really working on heir behalf they’d be trying to work on giving them a choice rather than condemning them to failing school systems.”