Leonardo DiCaprio was still Oscar-less when "Last Week Tonight" host John Oliver hit airwaves last night to give GOP front-runner Donald Trump the thorough flogging he so rightfully deserves.
"We have mostly ignored Trump on this show," Oliver prefaced. "But he has now won three states, has been endorsed by Chris Christie, and polls show him leading most Super Tuesday states, which is a big deal." Oliver noted that "since 1988, every candidate who's won the most states on Super Tuesday went on to become their party's nominee."
"At this point, Donald Trump is America's back mole," Oliver explained. "It may have seemed harmless a year ago, but now that it's gotten frighteningly bigger, it is no longer wise to ignore it."
Addressing the solid gold elephant in the room, Oliver recalled the time last year when Trump for some reason or another claimed to have turned down an offer to appear on "Last Week Tonight," which Donald called "very boring."
"Wh0's he trying to impress with that line?" Oliver said. "This show's guests include sloths and puppies. We're basically a petting zoo with a desk."
"I even checked to make sure no one had even accidentally invited him," Oliver said. "And of course they hadn't."
Watch the full takedown below: