"Racists for Trump": SNL depicts The Donald's supporters as Nazis and Klan members in amazing political ad spoof

Among the Trump supporters: a woman ironing a Klan robe, a man writing "white power" on a house

Published March 6, 2016 1:34PM (EST)

At some point during SNL's mini-hiatus, the show 180'd on Donald Trump -- who, you might not be able to forget, hosted a risk-free, wholly unfunny episode of the show last November — and the result was last night's "Racists for Trump" political ad.

The ad is premised on a prototypical tagline: "The media's been saying some pretty negative things about Donald Trump. But what are real Americans saying?"

We see pre-dusk shots of bucolic middle-American farmland and middle-class subdivisions. A woman ironing (Vanessa Bayer), a painter on a ladder (Bobby Moynihan), and a flanneled lumberjack (Kyle Mooney) all laud Trump's supposed attributes (job creator, outsider, negotiator, etc.).

Then, come to find out, these "real Americans" are bonafide racists: the woman is ironing a Klan robe, the painter is writing "white power" on the side of a house, and the lumberjack is collecting wood for a cross burning.

Watch the full sketch below:

By Brendan Gauthier

Brendan Gauthier is a freelance writer.

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