Are you bored by tonight's Republican debate? Maybe Patton Oswalt can help

"Trump's just gonna lay back. He has nothing to lose at this point. And he knows it. Bye bye, GOP," Oswalt Tweeted

Published March 11, 2016 2:57AM (EST)

 patton_oswalt (AP/Chris Pizzello)
patton_oswalt (AP/Chris Pizzello)

For the umpteenth Republican debate running, being able to follow comedian Patton Oswalt's play-by-play is the only real reason to watch it. So while the GOP hopefuls attempt to have a serious policy debate -- involving non-specific plans that somehow still provide entitlements to members of the Republican base -- let's keep in mind what time it is:


And how these candidates are earning their endorsements, current, future, and otherwise:

For some, this is the end:

For Trump, it's not the end of his hypocrisy:

Not that Oswalt is alone in landing some punches on these very, very canny responses:

By Scott Kaufman

MORE FROM Scott Kaufman

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Elections 2016 Gop Debate Patton Oswalt