During his monologue Friday night, "Real Time" host Bill Maher trashed Donald Trump's supposedly cleaned-up act.
Following his double-digit victory in New York, Trump called Ted Cruz "Senator Cruz" instead of "Lyin' Ted." And his new team of advisors, headed by Paul Manafort, is now trying to market Trump as a well-intentioned performance artists.
"So let me get this straight: the last 30 years as the world's biggest douchebag," Maher said, "that was just to get us ready?"
"This idea that this guy could ever change his stripes, that he could be presidential ... because ... for three minutes he went on stage and he did act like a normal human being and he didn't urinate on the whole audience," he continued. "It lasted three minutes."
"You could make a chimp ride a tricycle -- for a little while," he added. "It's like the way Keanu Reeves can do a British accent -- for a little while."
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