"Daily Show" host Trevor Noah last night took to task presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump for his history of embracing conspiracy theories.
Trump rode the wave of the birther movement in 2011, and has since claimed: President Obama's grades as an undergrad didn't qualify him for Harvard Law; one-time opponent Ted Cruz's father, Rafael, killed John F. Kennedy; vaccines cause autism.
Most recently, Trump suggested the Clintons murdered White House staffer and Bill's childhood friend Vince Foster, whose death he called "fishy."
"People say voters choose the person they'd like to have a beer with," Noah said. "But if this guy sat next to you at a bar, you'd be like, 'Uh, you know what? I really have to go home right now.'"
"Donald Trump is a man who divorces himself from the truth so much, that he makes it sign a prenup," he continued. "America is basically taking the weirdest, most conspiratorial nutjob on the message board and basically saying, 'Hey, give that guy the CIA, the FBI, and the world's most powerful military.'"
Watch the full segment below: