Who's getting married to the mob?

"The Sopranos'" Jamie-Lynn Sigler gets an offer she can't refuse; John Stamos might want to rethink that threesome fantasy. Plus: Vigilante or Viagra sponsor? Rambo is back.

Published September 13, 2002 4:45PM (EDT)

Do Tony and Carm know about this?

Jamie-Lynn Sigler, better known to the world as Meadow Soprano, is engaged ... at the ripe old age of 21. According to People magazine, the young TV star is planning to marry her manager, A.J. Discala, 31, whom she has been seeing for the past year.

Discala popped the Q over Labor Day weekend, on a Mexican cruise. Just as Sigler stepped out of the shower, Discala recited a poem to her and proffered a square-cut diamond ring.

Why, it's enough to make a girl drop her towel.

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Bride ... not bright?

"I thought the show was about singing."

-- Not such a wisegirl Jamie-Lynn Sigler on why she auditioned for "The Sopranos," in Biography magazine.

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Loose lips

Look out, John Stamos. Danish model turned actress Rie Rasmussen has it bad for your wife's lips.

In Brian DePalma's upcoming flick, "Femme Fatale," with Antonio Banderas, Rasmussen and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos go at each other with gusto in a particularly steamy lesbian love scene.

"I wasn't sure how far Rebecca wanted to go," Rasmussen tells the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone. "Then she just stuck her tongue in my mouth and I was like, 'Great! We can go with it!'"

But it wasn't all acting.

"Rebecca has the softest lips I've ever kissed," Rasmussen says.

Sounds like someone's beaux need a little Chapstick.

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Stirred, not shaken, by the news

"I'm OK with it, but it'll be a drag if I don't make it till the next James Bond movie comes out."

-- Warren Zevon, showing a very healthy sense of humor in response to the news that he's been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.

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Make him stop

Oh no. Not again. Sylvester Stallone's talking about resurrecting Rambo.

"We're talking about doing another 'Rambo' because I think it's time to combine action with politics," Stallone told Peoplenews.com.

That's the bad news.

The good news? Rocky's probably in retirement for good, though Stallone does have a fearsome foe in mind for the thick-voiced pugilist.

"Rocky is going to fight arthritis next," the actor said.

Not a bad foe for Rambo either, come to think of it.

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Miss something? Read yesterday's Nothing Personal.

By Amy Reiter

MORE FROM Amy Reiter

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