Song Search

A trio of Song Search almost-rans

Published October 14, 2006 8:00AM (EDT)

We're almost three weeks into Song Search and the response has been great -- people have submitted hundreds of songs, covering the weird, the wonderful and the what-were-they-thinking? We've already heard a bunch of songs sure to make it through to the voting stages, and we'll share them with you in the coming weeks -- when it's time for you to vote.

But before that happens, we wanted to spotlight a few songs that won't make it to the end of the contest. Listen, and we think you'll understand why. But you may also enjoy them, and find yourself humming these ditties, against your better judgment, for a long time to come.

"Wikipedia," Steve Stein
A simple, but effective ode to everyone's favorite open-source encyclopedia. It's surprisingly catchy for a song that mostly consists of the singer singing the word "Wikipedia" over and over again on top of what sounds like a flea-market-bought Casio keyboard.

"Ham for the Holidays," Lynn Julia
A topical and timely pro-turkey protest song, sung, apparently, from the point of view of one Tommy Turkey and asking us a pertinent question: "Why can't everyone have ham for the holidays?" Sample lyric:
I've heard for some there's savior in religion
In India the cow's a sacred beast.
My faith is low,
I'm feeling fat
And silly in this pilgrim hat
No Hindu's gonna save me from this feast.

"Ass Dermatologist," Norman's Invasion
Shining a light, in song, on a place where the light doesn't usually shine -- and doing it with a lead singer who sounds a bit like Frank Black in his Pixies days.

By Salon Staff

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