Stone Age women "created a future"

Plus, watch out for Shaha Riza: She's smart, angry and a Muslim feminist.

Published May 19, 2007 12:00AM (EDT)

Smart and angry Muslim feminist on the loose! There's plenty to be said about Paul Wolfowitz's relationship with Shaha Riza. But, the Associated Press decided to run with this whopper of a headline: "Wolfowitz's Girlfriend: Smart & Angry." To top it off, she's a feminist and Muslim -- oooh boy.

Daddy lit a hit ... with moms? Interestingly, Judith Warner asks, "Am I less a woman for finding the best depiction of how I experience myself as a mother in the voice of a dad?"

It's been a Beyoncé-filled day. Channel-surfing this morning, I caught a glimpse of Beyoncé and Shakira's seizuring hips in the video for "Beautiful Liar." Doing my morning news troll at work, I came across Robin Givhan's lengthy analysis of Beyoncé as the all-American pinup. Then, just a few moments ago, a reader shot us a link to an Associated Press story with the headline "Sexiness a Must for Today's Lady Singers" and an accompanying photo of Beyoncé and her "bootyliciousness" on display. To recap the two articles: Beyoncé's concocted the perfect sexual persona for success, which is good. But, other more talented, but less-attractive singers are never given a chance, which is bad.

"While the men were out hunting, Stone Age women created a future." That headline pretty much sums it up: According to a new anthropological text, "There was no significant division of labor. Stone Age humans pretty much did the same jobs -- at least some of the time. And when the women did remain behind, they spent much of their time inventing the tools and foundations of future society."

Black women's higher breast cancer mortality linked to biology and access to healthcare. So reports the San Francisco Chronicle: "For decades, doctors assumed the lower survival rate was due primarily to societal issues ... But in the past two or three years, research has focused on the biological differences between the cancers that attack black women and white women. Black women are more likely to get breast cancer at a younger age, and their tumors tend to be more aggressive and harder to treat."

Dude, she's a total NILF. In a little segment titled "News I'd Like to F@#k," "The Daily Show's" Samantha Bee takes a look at the women of the 24-hour-news networks, who have shown that "war is hell-o ladies."

By Tracy Clark-Flory

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