Quote of the day: Backlash U.K.

The Guardian details an "all-out assault" on feminism.

Published July 2, 2008 1:00PM (EDT)

Via Jezebel: After reading Katha Pollitt's "Backlash Spectacular" in the May issue of the Nation, Guardian women's editor Kira Cochrane "felt smug," she wrote Tuesday. "Thank God that's not happening here, I thought, sinking into my seat and reaching for another chocolate."

Well, that lasted about as long as Edward V. "In the weeks after Pollitt's article, I found myself tripping over signs, left and right, that not only does the feminist movement still have far to go, but that arguments we thought were long-won have been re-opened, rights we thought were settled are suddenly under threat,” Cochrane continued. “These signs came in a whole variety of forms, some ridiculous, some devastating.”

Here's one that's maybe both. As Cochrane reports, Sir Alan Sugar, gazillionaire entrepreneur and star of the BBC's "Apprentice," essentially divides his time between running corporations and challenging an over 30-year-old antidiscrimination law making it illegal for job interviewers to ask women if they plan to have children. "You're not allowed to ask, so it's easy," said Sugar. "Just don't employ them."

Right-o! Put down that Curly Wurly and read the whole epic piece.

By Lynn Harris

Award-winning journalist Lynn Harris is author of the comic novel "Death by Chick Lit" and co-creator of BreakupGirl.net. She also writes for the New York Times, Glamour, and many others.

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