Lieberman may run as Democrat in 2012

The Connecticut senator, who currently calls himself an "Independent Democrat," isn't ruling anything out.

Published March 13, 2009 2:37PM (EDT)

Get ready, Democrats -- Joe Lieberman may be on his way back to you.

The Connecticut senator, who was the party's vice-presidential nominee in 2000 but now calls himself an "Independent Democrat" after his 2006 primary loss, says friends have asked him if he's going to become a Democrat again in time to run for reelection in 2012. And, the Hill reports, if he's not exactly jumping at the prospect, he isn't ruling it out, either.

"It’s a ways away,” Lieberman told the paper. "I'm an independent Democrat, and that gives me options."

However, asked directly whether this -- and his attempts to make nice with his old party -- meant he'd be trying to put that capital "D" next to his name again, Lieberman demurred. "I wouldn't reach that conclusion," he said.

As it stands now, the senator would have a tough time winning reelection, no matter what party's ticket he's on. A recent poll showed one potential challenger, state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, leading him. Democrats were especially predisposed to Blumenthal: 83 percent of them told the pollster they'd vote for him, while only nine percent backed Lieberman.

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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