Liz Cheney: U.S. needs commander, not community organizer

The former vice-president's daughter lashes out at a conservative bloggers' convention

Published August 3, 2009 5:15PM (EDT)

Red State, a big conservative blog on the model of Daily Kos, had its first big bloggers' gathering this past weekend. They even had some fairly big names in the world of Republican politics come speak -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., and Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., among others -- but they needed a headliner, someone whose name alone would be a draw.

So while Liz Cheney might not be her famous father, she does share a last name with the former vice-president, and that was apparently enough to make her the surprise guest at the event. That, and perhaps the political benefits for her? She's suggested in the past that she might run for elected office one day soon, and as Politico's Jonathan Martin observes, while there, she certainly sounded like a candidate, at least in her attacks on President Obama's foreign policy.

Obama has a desire "to placate, to appease, not to cause offense," Cheney said. "And it’s this desire that drives the president to plead with our enemies to talk at all costs. It puts America in a position of weakness, one that will not and cannot secure American interests.

"Now as a veteran of the State Department, I can tell you that effective diplomacy is not about appeasing your enemy. It’s not about unilateral pre-emptive disarmament. America has to negotiate from a position of strength. To survive as a nation, our president can’t function as a disinterested international arbitrator. He can’t attempt to stand above America and our enemies. In other words, America needs a commander in chief, not a global community organizer."

As you'll probably remember, the slam on Obama that uses his past as a community organizer against him was a favorite during the campaign, especially when it got some use at the Republican National Convention last summer.

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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