Police: SC Man Carried Loaded Weapons In NY Subway

Published January 2, 2012 3:27PM (EST)

NEW YORK (AP) — A South Carolina man who entered the New York City subway system with two loaded weapons has been arrested.

The NYPD says a police officer stopped the suspect after seeing him go into in Manhattan subway station Sunday night without paying. The officer then noticed a handgun in the man's waistband.

Police recovered a loaded Smith & Wesson .45-caliber handgun and a loaded Intratec Luger Tec-9 machine gun. Police say the machine gun was found inside a bag the man was carrying.

Police identified him as 33-year-old Allen Reggie of Columbia, S.C. He's charged with criminal possession machine gun, criminal possession weapon loaded firearm and other charges.

It was not immediately clear whether he has a lawyer.

By Salon Staff

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