Amy Schumer meets with a smile consultant to fix her "garbage" smile

In a sketch featured in Tuesday's "Inside Amy Schumer," Amy comes to love her smile even though it's "garbage"

Published July 8, 2015 12:45PM (EDT)

Amy Schumer (Comedy Central)
Amy Schumer (Comedy Central)

After losing a “Who Wore It Better” online poll to a dog, Amy Schumer is left with no choice but to fix her glaring flaw: Her "garbage smile," as one agent bluntly puts it.

"Love Your Smile," a sketch featured on Tuesday night's "Inside Amy Schumer," finds Amy in an office with a self-proclaimed "smile consultant" as she struggles to put his tips into motion. The tips, being: "no no no nononono no no."

The trick to a stellar red carpet smile, she eventually learns, is looking vaguely constipated and giving a slight tilt of the head. Just in time for the Golden Globes!

Watch the clip courtesy of Comedy Central below:

By Colin Gorenstein

Colin Gorenstein is Salon's assistant editor of internet and viral content. Follow @colingorenstein or email

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