Chris Rock's brother says "Hell yeah, he should" host the Oscars — for two big reasons

Comedian Tony Rock points out factors to persuade Chris not to boycott in wake of #OscarsSoWhite controversy

Published January 21, 2016 8:22PM (EST)

Chris Rock’s brother, comedian Tony Rock, today offered his take on calls for Chris to boycott hosting The Oscars in protest of another year of whitewashed nominees.

Were he to boycott the ceremony, Chris Rock would join Spike Lee and Will and Jada Pinkett Smith.

Tony suggests it’s pretty unlikely his brother won’t host.

Asked if Chris should host the show, Tony told TMZ, “Hell yeah, he should,” adding, “Because there's a big ass check involved."

“(There's no) better platform to bring light to this whole thing than on the stage, in front of those same white people that don't accept our movies and acknowledge our movies.”

Tony Rock’s sentiment echoes that of Ricky Gervais, who agrees the hosting gig allows Chris Rock the (live) platform to make a substantive statement on the #OscarsSoWhite controversy.

Tony Rock takes a more if-you-can’t-join-‘em-then-beat-‘em approach when it comes to a lack of diversity in Hollywood.

“I don't understand why black people feel this undying need to want to be down with white people all the time," he said. ”Y'all don't like our music? Y'all don't like our movies? We'll go over here and do our awards show."

Watch Tony Rock's rant below:

Spike Lee: I'm Not Boycotting The Oscars!

By Brendan Gauthier

Brendan Gauthier is a freelance writer.

MORE FROM Brendan Gauthier

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