Lincoln Project rips Trump for calling dead troops "losers" in scathing video

"No Donald, you're wrong," the ad states. "They are heroes because they were captured."

Published September 11, 2020 5:50AM (EDT)

Donald Trump addresses troops at Miramar Marine Corp Air Station. (Getty/Sandy Huffaker)
Donald Trump addresses troops at Miramar Marine Corp Air Station. (Getty/Sandy Huffaker)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story


The Lincoln Project on Friday hit back at President Donald Trump after an explosive Atlantic report claimed that he called American soldiers who died in World War I "losers."

In a new one-minute video, the Lincoln Project goes through the history of American soldiers who were killed or captured in the line of duty, from World War II soldiers executed by Nazis, to troops serving in Vietnam who were tortured by the Viet Cong.

"They've been dragged from the burning remnants of downed helicopters and Humvees in Iraq," the video states. "And they've fought to their last bullet in Afghanistan mountains."

The video then cuts to a clip of Trump saying the late Sen. John McCain wasn't a real war hero because he was captured by enemy forces.

"No Donald, you're wrong," the ad concludes. "They are heroes because they were captured."

Watch the video on Twitter.


By Brad Reed


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