Nancy Pelosi hints at possibility of push to invoke 25th Amendment amid concerns over Trump's health

"Mr. President, when was the last time you had a negative test before you tested positive?" Pelosi asked Trump

Published October 8, 2020 3:29PM (EDT)

Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)
Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi (Photo illustration by Salon/Getty Images)

This article originally appeared on AlterNet.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) hinted at the possibility of a push for the invocation of the 25th Amendment in the wake of President Donald Trump's illness. 

At her weekly press conference, the California lawmaker revealed she and her Democratic colleagues will be discussing the 25th Amendment on Friday amid growing concerns about the president's condition.

"Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow, come here tomorrow. We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment. But not to take attention away from the subject we have now," she said.

The top-ranking Democrat also discussed another key question she and other Democratic lawmakers have raised. Although Trump tested positive more than a week ago, the White House has yet to reveal when the president's last negative COVID test was — a critical piece of information needed for contact tracing. Pelosi also expressed concern about the Trump administration's lack of transparency regarding the president's illness and the coronavirus outbreak at the White House. 

"I'm not talking about it today except to tell you, if you want to talk about that, we'll see you tomorrow," she said. "But you take me back to my point, Mr. President, when was the last time you had a negative test before you tested positive? Why is the White House not telling the country that important fact about how this made a hotspot of the White House?"

Although Pelosi was asked for more details about Democrats' forthcoming discussions, she indicated that more information would be announced tomorrow. Pelosi's remarks come amid Trump's questionable behavior and impulsive actions which have greatly impacted multiple areas of government. 

On Tuesday afternoon, the stock market crashed due to Trump abruptly ending stimulus negotiations. More than 30 White House officials have also tested positive for COVID-19 this week. But despite the outbreak, Trump continues to push for business as usual. Still positive, the president has returned to the White House. 

While hospitalized at Walter Reed Medical Center for what is believed to have been a severe case of coronavirus, Trump made it clear there would be no transfer of power to Vice President Mike Pence. Even now, the president is reportedly still making decisions while taking medications. After Trump's announcement to end negotiations, Pelosi also expressed concern about his ability to make sound decisions while medicated.

Trump insists he feels "great" now but he is still confined to the White House.

By AlterNet Staff

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