January 07, 2014 Archive January 2014

The way of the future: A toothbrush that spies on you

Right-wing judges' "strange" ruling: Slaying modest know-your-rights rule

Stop telling gay people to stop being gay

Influential Tea Party groups urge Congress to abandon the long-term unemployed

"SNL" names Sasheer Zamata as new cast member

Study: Doctors spend an average of 36 seconds talking to teen patients about sex

"60 Minutes" gets it wrong again: Cleantech hit job doesn't check out

Get to know "SNL's" newest cast member, Sasheer Zamata

Senate confirms Janet Yellen as new chair of Federal Reserve

"Seinfeld" parody Twitter accounts are a "very painful subject" for Jerry Seinfeld

Michael Bay melts down at tech conference over broken teleprompter

"House of Lies": Getting the band back together

10 offensively terrible dating tips from the religious right

My anger and the mighty broom

The 9 silliest "Downton Abbey" tie-in products

Our justice system's Steubenville failure: Ma'lik Richmond's disheartening non-apology

4 ways Americans are being cheated out of their retirement funds

Robert Reich: Wealth is being redistributed -- to the rich!

The upside of body odor

GOP's "sense of disdain": Senator behind unemployment benefits bill sounds off

Edinburgh to end sex in saunas

How the gambling industry preys on senior citizens

"American Hustle" vs. "The Wolf of Wall Street"

Inside the right-wing love affair with conspiracy theories

Must-see morning clip: Don't trust those "global warming scientist thousandaires"

Supreme Court action means legal limbo for married gay couples in Utah

Record-breaking cold forces even polar bears and penguins indoors

Half of young black men in U.S. have been arrested

Expert featured on "60 Minutes" says comments about clean tech's successes were edited out

Rand Paul's latest Obamacare whopper falls apart

Senate GOPers to Mike Enzi, now that Liz Cheney's dropped out: High-five!

Tycoon's hostage taking strangles pensions: Boeing workers cave on retirement ransom

Rush Limbaugh: Polar vortex is a "hoax" created by the left

Aid cuts leave low-income homes unheated in polar vortex

Don Lemon: New "SNL" cast member needs to be a "lot funnier than she is black"

Actually, this cold weather can be linked to global warming

Louis C.K. is about to release the first movie he ever made

Dennis Rodman totally loses it on CNN's Chris Cuomo

Daisy Coleman hospitalized after apparent suicide attempt

JPMorgan's Madoff settlement is hardly justice

White supremacy wins again: Melissa Harris Perry and the racial false equivalence

Jahi McMath is not alive: When life support sets a dangerous precedent

Newt Gingrich on climate change: "Life was fine" during the warmer age of the dinosaurs

Steve McQueen heckled at star-studded NYFCC dinner

Judge to Texas women: No abortion clinic within 150 miles? Just drive fast!

GOP Senate candidate: Democrats want to put "all these illegal aliens in this country" on welfare

How to explain the right's every move: Their unwillingness to help poor people

The right's latest freakout -- and why they're crying "communism"