November 09, 2016 Archive November 2016

Sorry, Donald Trump — "elite" is not a four-letter word: Ivy Leaguers Trump and Steve Bannon have peddled a brand of anti-elitism that's anti-American

The year democracy broke — and how we got here

James O'Keefe is spending Election Day following vans around Philadelphia

College student has Kit-Kat stolen, company sends 6,500 more

Donald Trump may be toast: Location-data analysis suggests high black and Latino turnout propelling Hillary Clinton to victory

Three ways Donald Trump's presidential campaign has made history

"Big Bang" with blood: How "Ash vs Evil Dead" became a horror comedy that flips gender roles

WikiLeaks criticizes both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, condemns "McCarthyite" Russia accusations

Global markets plunge as prospect of Trump winning the presidency becomes more plausible

2016 Election Night Live Blog

Trump supporters break into chants of "lock her up" at New York Hilton party

President Trump: A colossal failure for democracy and our terrifying new reality

Hillary Clinton gets blindsided by change again: How the White House — and so much more — was lost

A Donald Trump presidency: What it might actually look like

White rage against the machine: President-elect Donald Trump is a historical shock — unless you study American history

Republicans also keep control of Senate, House

What Donald Trump's win means for the rest of the world

"The trolls won": Donald Trump supporters, including Milo Yiannopoulos and Chuck C. Johnson, gloat about presidential win

Stephen Colbert offers consolation to Dems: "We don't have to do this sh*t for a while"

A nation gone wrong in a world gone crazy: A first reckoning with how the hell this happened

What comes next? Here's Donald Trump's presidential transition timeframe

WATCH: Kellyanne Conway won't say whether or not Donald Trump plans to jail Hillary Clinton

WATCH: An emotional Van Jones calls Donald Trump's victory "a white-lash against a black president"

Protests erupt throughout the nation after news of Donald Trump presidency breaks

What I will tell my daughters about Hillary Clinton's loss and Donald Trump's victory

Omarosa hints at a Donald Trump enemies list: "It's so great our enemies are making themselves clear"

What I learned about the "circle of doom" while watching Fox News all election night

The misogyny apocalypse: Turns out being white and male counts for more than intelligence, grace or decency

"Never doubt that you are valuable and powerful": Watch Hillary Clinton's powerful message to girls in her concession speech

Not all was lost: 3 reasons why there were reasons to cheer Tuesday night

Sen. Bernie Sanders has "nothing nice to say" about Donald Trump's win, adviser says

Hack the vote: Did a 4chan attack help rig the election for Trump?

In Donald Trump's cabinet from hell, corporatism and cronyism run rampant — and Sarah Palin may be there, too