April 19, 2018 Archive April 2018

Who polices the immigration police?

White people in America are sharply divided by education and income: Donald Trump is the result

Many mass shootings involve stolen guns: Shouldn't gun owners keep them locked up?

Kevin McCarthy wants to replace Paul Ryan: Will the far right stop him once again?

The secret to sounder sleep may be lurking in our guts

A former producer for Fox News helped build a pro-Kremlin propaganda network in Russia

What it's like to grow up with the constant threat of violence

Cynthia Nixon tells Stephen Colbert why she's serious about challenging Cuomo

Michael Cohen has many alleged links to organized crime: Does that mean he won't flip on Trump?

Embrace intersectionality and decolonization for real change

Kris Kobach found in contempt for disobeying court orders

Save big on these GMO-free salts and spices

Upgrade to these fast-drying, anti-microbial towels

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin may ruin the state's public schools

Ted Cruz grovels before Donald Trump with flattering Time profile

White evangelicals: Donald Trump is still our man!

Republicans "whisper" about rumored Mike Pence/Nikki Haley presidential run

Men arrested at Philly Starbucks speak out: "This is something that has been going on for years"

Parkland survivor David Hogg rides wave of activism with book co-published with sister Lauren

Bernie Sanders may sing Cardi B's praises — but sex workers say he's no ally

Republicans reluctant to endorse Trump for 2020 are more than happy to help him now

Samantha Bee blasts Fox News' Sean Hannity: “His whole show is just an hour-long list of lies"

A murder mystery and an author's dark obsession in "Love and Death In the Sunshine State"

"Scandal" series finale: Closing the door on a White House fantasy

Rudy Giuliani joins Trump's legal team