July 22, 2019 Archive July 2019

Climate change is destroying ancient murals in Texas

The bold new plan to stop wars: A peace advocate makes her case

View your tablet hands-free with this stand

3 myths to bust about breaking up "big tech"

10 ways Andrew Wheeler has decimated EPA protections

#ClimateStrike founder Greta Thunberg, Native American D-Day vet: Time to save civilization

Robert Reich: How corporate welfare hurts you

These Bluetooth earbuds were built to help you sleep better

Understanding our bully-in-chief: Donald Trump's "antisocial personality disorder" fits a pattern

Merger mania: The military-industrial complex on steroids

New court filing reveals Hope Hicks may have lied to Congress

Valkyrie will officially be Marvel’s first LGBTQ superhero

Mahershala Ali to star in "Blade" as part of Marvel Studios’ Phase Four

Wilbur Ross is literally falling asleep on the job

Illinois GOP posts Facebook meme calling four Democratic congresswomen "The Jihad Squad"

This battery pack can charge your iPhone & Apple Watch

Trump to curtail due process for immigrants facing deportation

Trump says he could win Afghanistan war "in a week": It "could be wiped off the face of the Earth"

Trump claims he won't watch Mueller testimony because it's a "ridiculous Witch Hunt"

Report: Rudy Giuliani is running a backchannel with Ukraine to take down Mueller, Trump's critics

"The Lion King," beautiful and bland: With nostalgia upgrades, there's always a cost

Laura Lippman on turning true crime into fiction: "Am I not appropriating somebody's story?"

Four lessons from Marvel's Infinity Saga the MCU should take into Phase 4

What drove the New Yorker's Jane Mayer into Al Franken denialism?

Rush Limbaugh argues Kamala Harris and Barack Obama can't be considered African-American

"Veronica Mars" contends with the mystery and tragedy of growing up

"Avengers: Endgame" is not near the world box-office record

Yes, I’m searching for aliens — and no, I won’t be going to Area 51 to look for them

Puerto Ricans mobilize mass protest to demand resignation of Gov. Ricardo Rosselló

Trump's new favorite cable news network hires reporter who still works with Russian government

Malicious browser extensions are stealing personal information

Washington state’s big bet on "free college"