August 20, 2020 Archive August 2020

"It scared me": Rachel Maddow unnerved by Obama warning about potential "end of American democracy"

History repeating: Trump is openly pushing Russian propaganda against Biden with GOP aid

Donald Trump is losing his tech war with China's Xi Jinping

Greenpeace gives Democratic platform a C+ on climate plans: "We are not impressed"

Trump embraces support from QAnon: They "like me very much" and "love America"

Freedom of religion doesn’t mean freedom from mask mandates

Vladimir Putin's prize pupil is almost ready: Trump's final exam in authoritarian rule

Why COVID deniers and climate skeptics paint scientists as alarmist

Kamala Harris' big night: Democrats foreground "women's issues" as urgent, universal concerns

Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon arrested on charges of defrauding border wall donors

Trump loses another attempt to block Manhattan district attorney from obtaining his tax returns

Sarah Palin: “I would not have prostituted myself” like Kamala Harris for “better press”

"It doesn’t look good": Fox News Judge Andrew Napolitano breaks down the case against Steve Bannon

Kayleigh McEnany defends Trump’s praise of QAnon on Fox News: "Good hardworking people"

Russian investor in Kentucky mill is "proxy for the Kremlin": Senate Intelligence Committee report

Democrats wage legal offensive to kick Green Party candidates off ballot in high-profile Texas races

Workers told “nothing” will change despite Louis DeJoy’s vow to stop removing machines: union leader

What Senate Intel report says about Trump and Roger Stone’s 39 phone calls during the 2016 election

Chad Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli serving at Homeland Security in violation of federal law: GAO report

Who needs TV and movies? Audio dramas are booming when our minds need them most

New book reveals “shadow chief of staff” Sean Hannity actually thinks Trump is “batsh*t crazy”

Programmers say Uber Eats is systematically underpaying their workers

Netflix's "High Score" creators set out to reveal the diverse, unsung heroes in video game history

"Carter was so humane": "Desert One" filmmaker on examining the Iran hostage crisis 40 years later

Facebook is a global threat to public health, Avaaz report says