December 18, 2021 Archive December 2021

Guillermo del Toro's rapturous "Nightmare Alley" seduces with its stylish & twisty grift

"The Expanse" bosses explain why the final season is only six episodes long

Prosecutors reveal Trump supporter charged in Capitol riot may be willing to divulge valuable info

2021's biggest troll: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

The Great Inheritors: How three families shielded their fortunes from taxes for generations

When the surges just keep coming: A view from the COVID vortex

The American Mao: Donald Trump has led the Republican Party into a cultural revolution

The Christian right didn't used to care about abortion — until they did

Trump-loving actor banned from "Bob's Burgers" after being spotted at Capitol riot: report

Why do couples use baby talk with one another?

Right-wing authoritarianism is winning — but higher education is where we can fight back

"West Side Story" may be timeless — but life in gangs today differs vastly from the Jets and Sharks

"Stop the Steal" founder Ali Alexander points finger at GOP Congressmen in Jan. 6 testimony

Aldi’s best Christmas food gifts are all under $10

Anti-vaxxers have co-opted the pro-choice slogan “My Body, My Choice." Does that even make sense?

11 odd Victorian Christmas traditions

U.S. Generals issue chilling warning — civil war possible if another insurrection is attempted

A salute to "Dickinson" and its devotion to using notoriety to spotlight other unsung histories

This low-ABV Basque wine deserves a place on your holiday table

Win this year's holiday cookie swap with THC-infused chewy gingersnaps

From milkshakes to cheesecakes, how to make the most of leftover eggnog