Elijah Cummings rebukes GOP at Cohen hearing: The days of protecting Trump "at all costs are over"

Elijah Cummings shut down GOP members on his committee as they tried to curtail public testimony from Michael Cohen

Published February 27, 2019 11:43AM (EST)

Donald Trump;  Elijah Cummings (Getty/Chip Somodevilla/Mandel Ngan)
Donald Trump; Elijah Cummings (Getty/Chip Somodevilla/Mandel Ngan)

This article originally appeared on AlterNet.

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, on Wednesday shut down Republican members on his committee as they tried to curtail public testimony from former Donald Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen, explaining that “the days of this committee protecting the president at all costs are over.”

In his opening statement, Cummings said “the testimony that Michael Cohen will provide today, ladies and gentlemen, is deeply disturbing and it should be troubling to all Americans.”

Cummings said he “fundamentally” disagrees with ranking member Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan’s “efforts to prevent the American people from hearing from Mr. Cohen.”

“Mr. Cohen’s testimony raises grave questions about the legality of president Donald Trump’s conduct and the truthfulness of statements while he was president,” Cummings said. “We need to assess and investigate this new evidence as we uphold our constitutional oversight responsibilities. And we will continue after today to gather many documents and testimony in our search for the truth.”

By Elizabeth Preza

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