Blue Glow

Salon's TV picks for Wednesday, July 19, 2000

Published July 19, 2000 6:59PM (EDT)


On Survivor (8 p.m., CBS), the castaways compete for a particularly precious prize: a videotape from home. Will Greg, Sean, Jenna, Colleen and Gervase smarten up and form an alliance of their own against the devious former Tagi teammates? Tee-hee, it just gets nastier and nastier ... Fox tries some interesting "Survivor" counterprogramming with a rerun of King of the Hill (8 p.m., Fox). It's the one where Hank unwittingly uses cocaine for bait and suddenly all the fish are biting. On a rerun of The West Wing (9 p.m., NBC), the staff does damage control after word leaks out that Bartlet and Vice President Hoynes (Tim Matheson) clashed at an Oval Office meeting. Tony and Carmela don't understand the source of Anthony Jr.'s apathy on a rerun of The Sopranos (10 p.m., HBO). Livia offers him some words of wisdom about the meaning of life, though: "It's all a big nothing!"


Wim Wenders' Oscar-nominated 1999 documentary Buena Vista Social Club (9 p.m., check local times, PBS) profiles some of Cuba's musical giants.


Braves at Marlins (7 p.m., ESPN)
Cardinals at Diamondbacks (10 p.m., ESPN2)


Rosie O'Donnell (syndicated) Michael Douglas, Tracy Chapman (rerun)
David Letterman (CBS) Ben Folds Five (rerun)
Jay Leno (NBC) Katie Couric, Mena Suvari
Politically Incorrect (ABC) Mindy Sterling, Corey Feldman
Conan O'Brien (NBC) Famke Janssen, Steve Earle anos

By Joyce Millman

Joyce Millman is a writer living in the Bay Area.

MORE FROM Joyce Millman

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