What else we're reading

World Cup marketers drop the ball on women, the female testosterone patch, British raunchiness and more.

Published June 28, 2006 8:21PM (EDT)

Reuters: If nearly 40 percent of women around the world are digging the World Cup, why are marketers hawking stuff mostly to men?

Health Day: Testosterone patch for women: helps mood and libido, triples risk of heart problems. Hmm.

Reuters (again): No surprise, but a first-of-its-kind study found that trafficked women suffer a similar level of post-traumatic stress as torture victims.

Slate: Meghan O'Rourke adds to Linda Hirshman's soup on why women should work.

Associated Press/USA Today: Good news: Fewer teens are having babies and dropping out of school. Bad news: More are living in poverty. (Children are "treading water," said Annie E. Casey Foundation president Doug Nelson.)

Daily Mail: British commentary asks if "raunchiness" of hypersexualized culture is hurting women: "Women are competing to look like slags and sluts; the more lurid and explicit their display, the more their peers approve. Can this gross distortion of everything women in the Sixties wanted and believed be why the feminists burned their bras?" Corollary: Is it possible not to knee-jerkingly blame feminism for everything?

By Sarah Elizabeth Richards

Sarah Elizabeth Richards is a journalist based in New York. She can be reached at sarah@saraherichards.com.

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