Kerik headed to jail, at least for now

A judge revokes the former New York City police chief and Homeland Security nominee's bail

Published October 20, 2009 10:40PM (EDT)

Once, Bernie Kerik was the commissioner of the New York City Police Department; later, he was -- briefly -- then-President George W. Bush's nominee to head the Department of Homeland Security. Now, he can't even stay out of jail before going on trial.

Kerik's facing corruption and fraud charges, and is scheduled to go on trial next week. But at a hearing on Tuesday, Judge Stephen Robinson revoked Kerik's bail and sent him to jail. The New York Post points out that Kerik is likely to be housed in a facility that's right next to the headquarters where he presided over the NYPD not even 10 years ago.

Robinson revoked Kerik's bail because the former commissioner leaked non-public information to people associated with his defense; that information then showed up on Web sites that support him, potentially tainting the jury pool.

The judge was clearly frustrated with the defendant who appeared before him.

"I fear he has a toxic combination: self-minded focus and arrogance," Robinson said. "He sees the court's ruling as an inconvenience, something to be ignored, and an obstacle to be circumvented."

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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