We're updating our sign in and registration system

Salon's community is getting some much-needed fixes and upgrades

Published March 28, 2013 3:00AM (EDT)

We're happy to announce that we are revitalizing the Salon community with great features like a new Salon profile, a much-needed complete comments overhaul, and improvements to the sign in and registration process. We've started by updating the sign in and registration pop-up with a less buggy interface and more clear messaging. We hope this makes signing into Salon much easier.

Users with a current Salon account can still log in via their Google, Facebook or legacy Salon accounts.  You may have to re-authenticate with Facebook and Google, but you will be signed in to the correct comments accounts that your social network login has already been associated with. New users can also create an account by using Facebook or Google .

Please bear with us while we take the time to improve the overall user experience. If you are experiencing issues or have any questions, feel free to check the comments FAQ or email help@salon.com.  We'll be happy to help you through this transition.

Happy commenting!

By Salon Staff

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