The New York Times mocks Tea Party congressman Ted Yoho

The usually staid paper takes a not-so-subtle dig at the Florida representative

Published October 9, 2013 4:35PM (EDT)

In an otherwise conventional write-up of Republican delusions over the debt ceiling, the New York Times snuck in an understated dig at Tea Party congressman Ted Yoho (who previously made a name for himself by supporting a birther bill and claiming a debt default would please global markets) for basically having no idea what he's talking about.

From the Times (emphasis added):

Representative Ted Yoho, a freshman Florida Republican who had no experience in elective office before this year, said the largest economy on earth should learn from his large-animal veterinary practice.

“Everybody talks about how destabilizing doing this will be on the markets,” he said. “And you’ll see that initially, but heck, I’ve seen that in my business. When you go through that, and you address the problem and you address your creditors and say, ‘Listen, we’re going to pay you. We’re just not going to pay you today, but we’re going to pay you with interest, and we will pay everybody that’s due money’ — if you did that, the world would say America is finally addressing their problem.”

By Elias Isquith

Elias Isquith is a former Salon staff writer.

MORE FROM Elias Isquith

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Debt Ceiling Media Criticism Tea Party Ted Yoho The New York Times